Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tortilla Time!

Just a bunch of different recipes that are unified in that fact that they use the glorious tortilla!
I love tortillas--corn, flour, small, big, you name it, I love it.

Here I used basic corn tortillas. The filling is a plantain-chicken mixture. I took the dark meat off of a rotisserie chicken, chopped it up and fried it a little more, added some chopped up plantains to it, and there you go! Pretty simple, but pretty delicious. It's amazing how good simple food can be.

Here is the same idea, but with homemade salsa, and no plantains with the chicken this time. Yum!

This actually looks pretty gross... Oh and I'm eating on my bed... Classy... But I'm sure it was good. Pretty sure it was a flour tortilla with some sort of filling (you can really put anything you want in there) and then put on a pan to toast a little. Do it seam-side down first so it doesn't burst open everywhere and you end up with a mess on your hands.

I've also come to realize that all my pictures are pretty gross... Oh well, what can I do? I'm a poor college student without a real camera--all these pictures are from my phone's camera!

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