Monday, June 28, 2010


Plantains are slowly making the transition from unknown and obscure in the U.S. to widely-used and appreciated. Plantains, from my knowledge, are cousins of the popular banana that you can find in any of your local grocery stores. Unlike the banana, a plantain is rather large, slightly harder, and a little less sweet. This description may seem daunting and unwelcoming, but trust me, plantains have a secret goodness that, once unlocked, is like a treasure trove of taste in your mouth. I believe there are many ways to cook the plantains (boiled, mashed, fried, dried, etc.) but I have chosen to present a practically no-fail way to prepare it today. I saw them in the freezer section and decided, right then and there, that I had to have them that day. And when I got them home they were so quick and easy to cook. I actually just made this a few months ago, but I'll share it anyways.

Box of frozen plantains cut into approximately 2" pieces (unfortunately, it is very hard to find fresh plantains in your normal grocer's fruit section)

Fry the plantains in a little oil until hot through (the box would probably provide more specific instructions). Plate up with whatever you've chosen to eat alongside your fried plantains.

Here, I had chosen to eat the plantains with some simple spanish rice (boxed) and a warmed up flour tortilla.

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